0191 6402478
108 – 110 Heaton Road, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5HL
0191 6402478
108 – 110 Heaton Road, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 5HL
Cloud Estates


When moving into your first or 13th home, you always must pay energy bills. But trying to be more energy efficient is also an excellent way of doing your bit to helping to save the climate. When consuming less power, the amount of toxic fumes released by power plants is also reduced. We have written down tips how you can do this.



1. Check if you are using the cheapest energy supplier.

If you feel like your energy bills are always more expensive than your neighbours’, you might want to think about comparing the energy suppliers. It might be possible for you to save around £200 in a year by just simply switching from a standard or default tariff set at the level of the price cap to the cheapest deal.

 Also, some companies charge you for the paper bill that is sent to you. Change your paper bills to e-version and pay by direct debit as it is often cheaper than paying individual paper bills.


2. Install heating control

It is so much easier to manage your energy consumption with these when you can decide how hot your property is to be and which rooms might need more heating than others. Also, just cutting the heat level by 1ºC can save you £55 a year. Overall, installing heating control saves on average £70 per year.

It is also a luxury if you have a smart thermostat that you can use on your smartphone and heat your home remotely, so it is nice and warm when you enter.


3. Replace light bulbs with energy-saving versions

A LED light bulb can save up to £180 during its lifetime compared to an old-style light bulb. LED light bulbs use 90% or less energy than traditional light bulbs and therefore last longer and are cheaper.

But changing light bulbs does not do much if you keep all your lights on in every room all the time. Do not forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.


4. Do not let the cold air get in.

Especially in older properties, there are more draughts than new ones and therefore heating the apartment might be more expensive. Keeping the small draughts away by adding brush or hinged-flap draught excluders on the bottom of doors and use draught-proofing strips around the window frame can make miracles.


5. Use energy-efficient appliances

By checking the EU energy-efficiency rating, you know which appliance is best rated and will save you the most money. Did you know that just swapping the washing machine to a more energy-efficient version can save you up to £48 a year?


6. Turn off the shower when you are applying washing products

Avoiding using water “unnecessarily” is just common sense. For example, when you shower or wash your hands, turn off the tap when you are applying the handwash or shampoo or just brushing your teeth. It might seem like a small amount of water, but if everyone in the UK started doing that, a lot of water could be saved.

There are many reasons we should be saving water, such as minimising water shortages as we need to remember that the population and industry grow. Another reason is simply to maintain the cost of water low and minimise the possibility of political conflicts over water.



We hope that these tips can help you save some money on your energy bills. If you are a property owner and need help with property management, we at Cloud Estates are happy to help. Give us a call or visit our website to read more about our services.


